
  • Володимир Фуртій




, tourism development, hiking trails, attractive places, tourist infrastructure, tourist potential.


This article analyzes the historical formation of the tourism industry in Podkarpatska Rus within the period the end of 1918 – the beginning of the 1938. The article draws attention to the role of the past movement in the development of tourism industry in the region.Advanced features in development of tourism and recreation in Podkarpatska Rus have been looked into, and a number of disadvantages have been characterized. First travel organizations and travel routes, hotels, the process of improvement in providing services to tourists, have been researched. Factors, which influenced on the development of the most popular types of leisure and recreation, have been examined. It is also noted that the formation of organized tourism in the region was being performed amid social and political processes, which took place in the region. It is evident that the key benefits of tourism development are defined by regional unique features and natural conditions of the region, compared with other areas of business performance. A study was made possible through the use of scientific methods of knowledge: analysis, synthesis, system, specific, historical and dialectical method. In the preferred scientific heritage historical methods of research: historical and genetic, historical and comparative, historical and synthetic, historical and diachronic, empirical analysis and more.


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How to Cite

Фуртій, В. (2017). TURYSTYKA PODKARPATSKOYI RUSI 1918 – 1938. EAST EUROPEAN HISTORICAL BULLETIN, (5). https://doi.org/10.24919/2519-058x.5.116985


