ISSN 2519-058X (Print)
ISSN 2664-2735 (Online)
Ethics of publication and reviewing
As part of its editorial policy, the scientific journal «East Europe Historical Bulletin» strictly adheres to the publishing standards of the COPE Code of Conduct, approved by the COP (Committee on Ethics of Publications).
In its activities, the editorial board of the journal undertakes to:
- make decisions objectively, impartially and fairly;
- consider all materials submitted for publication, regardless of the race, creed, nationality, and position or place of work of the author(s);
- maintain the confidentiality of the review process and the identity of the reviewer;
- not to disclose information related to the content of the manuscript under review to other persons, except for persons participating in the professional evaluation of this manuscript;
- comply with all rules and requirements for both editorial board members and authors or reviewers;
- be guided by the current Ukrainian and international legal framework regarding copyright and plagiarism;
- in case of receiving a complaint, to conduct editorial negotiations with the author; consider the facts of violation of ethical norms regardless of the date of publication; make appropriate denials, changes or disclosures if the complaints were properly substantiated;
- to carry out timely publication of issues of the journal in accordance with the specified terms
The editorial board bears the responsibility for the edition. The editorial board can reject the manuscript without reading it, if it considers that the work does not correspond to the journal’s profile.
The journal’s editorial board opposes falsifications, plagiarism, submitting articles to several journal simultaneously, repeated copying of the article’s content in different works, and deceiving the public as to the real contribution of the authors to their publication.
Also, the editorial board has the right to withdraw even the published article under the condition of finding-out of the infringements of someone’s rights or standard norms of science ethics. The journal’s editorial staff informs on the withdrawal of an article both its author and the organisation where he / she executed the work.
A retraction is possible in the case when:
- the article was previously published in other publications;
- facts of plagiarism were discovered;
- fabrication and falsification detected;
- there are other violations of ethics principles of the publication.
The authors undertake:
- submit original for consideration;
- not to submit the same manuscript to the editors of the journal «East Europe Historical Bulletin» and the editors of other journals at the same time;
- make correct references to all publications that were used during the creation of the work;
- submit exclusively scientific research for consideration;
- avoid any unethical behavior and remain tactful towards other authors with regard to religious, political, ethnic, racial and other orientations;
- to notify the editor of any potential conflict of interest that might be affected by the publication of the results contained in this manuscript;
- first read the terms of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license under which, in case of a positive evaluation, their article will be published;
- only the persons who have made a considerable scientific contribution into the submitted work and who share the responsibility for the received results should be considered the co-authors of the article. The author, who submits the manuscript for publication, is responsible for the fact that only the persons meeting the requirements of authorship have been included into the list of co-authors and incurs the responsibility for the consent of the co-authors of the article for its publication in this journal;
- all authors (co-authors) of the article must read and agree on its final version for publication;
- in case of inaccuracies, after publication of the article, inform the editors of the journal and facilitate their further correction.
The primary responsibility of the author is to provide an accurate account of the research conducted, as well as an objective discussion of its significance. Authors must present their results clearly and unambiguously, so that their conclusions can be confirmed by other scientists, without falsifying the data or improperly manipulating them.
Reviewers undertake to: - write a review professionally, adhering to the principle of objectivity and in accordance with generally accepted scientific standards;
- comply with the established deadlines;
- it is sufficient to substantiate one's conclusions convincingly and to respect the intellectual independence of the authors;
- ensure the confidentiality of the verification process;
- not use or disclose unpublished information contained in the submitted manuscript without the consent of the author(s) to inform the editor about any possible and current conflicts of interest; to contribute to the detection of violations of scientific ethics;
Journal policy on authorship and co-authorship
Authorship implies responsibility for the published work. Therefore, participants who made a significant intellectual contribution to the article are considered authors. These, according to the ICMJE guidelines, include individuals who:
- made a significant contribution to the concept or design of the work; collection, analysis and/or interpretation of data;
- participated in drafting the work or its critical review for important intellectual content;
- participated in the final approval of the version for publication;
- have agreed to be responsible for all aspects of the work, willingness to properly analyze and resolve issues related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work.
The number of authors is limited - no more than three.
Those who do not meet all four criteria, but who helped in the research, should be noted and listed in the Acknowledgments section, indicating the contribution made during the research or writing of the article.
Complaints policy
Acknowledging and addressing any issues related to research conduct and publication of their results are a fundamental aspect of the editorial policy. Complaints provide an opportunity for the editorial board to constructively improve the journal quality and its publishing policies and procedures.The complaint should be sent to the Editorial Office, clearly indicating the nature of the complaint, its subject and the name of the complainant (
The Editorial Board considers complaints related to the following:
- Authorship disputes;
- Plagiarism in published research materials;
- Duplicate publication of papers already published or simultaneously submitted for consideration to several journals;
- Appropriation of research results and fabrication of data;
- Presence of errors or fraudulent actions in the research process;
- Violation of research standards;
- Undisclosed conflict of interest;
- Bias or harmful actions of reviewers;
- Administration policy of the article publication process or recommendations for improving the publishing policy.
Complaints handling policy. The editorial board is handling complaints in a timely and effective manner. A confirmation letter is sent to the complainant confirming the receipt of the complaint and setting a deadline of no more than 7 days for the editorial board to review the complaint on its merits and respond to the complainant. The decision is sent to the complainant via e-mail. The detailed procedure for dealing with complaints is given in the COPE flowchart [link to flowcharts: see here].
The Editorial Office implements all procedures aimed at ensuring, guaranteeing and adhering to all ethical standards and principles of academic integrity.
Journal policies on conflicts of interest
Financial or personal interests of authors, reviewers, and editorial board members may adversely affect their interactions, so obvious and potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed as soon as possible. The maximally transparent fulfillment of their duties by all subjects will contribute to their minimization.
In order to avoid potential conflicts of interest, it is the policy of the Eastern European Historical Bulletin that authors and reviewers undertake to report facts that may affect the objectivity or impartiality of decision-making. We also avoid reviewing submissions written or edited by one of the editors and their close relatives, or published in an issue in which one of the editors plays an exclusive role.
Journal policies on data sharing and reproducibility
The journal "Eastern European Historical Bulletin" practices an open access policy, so all materials are displayed free of charge for users.
In our own work, we are guided by the international license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which allows you to read, download, copy, distribute, print, link to the full texts of the article, with a mandatory indication of authorship .Users are prohibited from:
- use materials for commercial purposes;;
- distribute "derivative materials" created as a result of processing, paraphrasing or based on materials published in the magazine.
Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:
- Authors reserve the right to authorship of their work and do allow others to freely distribute the published work with mandatory reference to the author(s) of the original work.
Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:
- Authors reserve the right to authorship of their work and do allow others to freely distribute the published work with mandatory reference to the author(s) of the original work.
- Authors can distribute all versions of the article on various web resources.
Journal Policy on Ethical Oversight
The editors of the journal "Eastern European Historical Bulletin" are guided by the publishing standards of the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (COPE) regarding the control of compliance with ethical norms. Ethical oversight therefore includes, but is not limited to, policies regarding consent to publication, publication about vulnerable populations, ethical conduct of animal research, ethical conduct of human research, handling of confidential data, and ethical business/marketing practices
We closely follow the COPE guidelines, which encourage the implementation of generally accepted academic standards. In addition, we make every effort to detect any signs of plagiarism, unethical practices, or fraudulent activity.
The journal's policy on intellectual property
According to the COPE recommendations, the intellectual property policy involves informing readers and authors about:
- copyright and licensing (see licensing and copyright);
- costs associated with publication of materials (see cost of publication);
- previous publication that excludes review and plagiarism (see storage policy and anti-plagiarism policy).
Journal’s options for post-publication discussions and corrections
In its policy regarding corrections and retractions of publications, the journal follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The published version of the article is final and cannot be updated or modified. However, when important information is omitted during publication or a serious error, an erratum is made that seriously affects the scientific understanding of the article or distorts the results of the study, we will eliminate this problem using addenda, errata, corrigenda, and retractions.
Addendum. If the authors unintentionally omitted significant information they had at the time of publication, this information will be published in the current issue as an Addendum. An Addendum does not contradict the data of the original article and can be published after peer review. A link to an Addendum will also be added on the journal website to the original publication.
Erratum. An erratum is a significant error that we made while typing. Failure to make ccorrections requested by authors within the deadline before publication is also considered an erratum. A significant error is considered to be the one that affects the scholarly record, the scientific integrity of the article, the reputation of the authors, or of the journal. Information about errata is published in the current issue of the journal with a hyperlink on the page of the original publication.
Corrigendum. It is a notification of a significant error made by the authors of the article. Corrigenda made by the original authors are published if the scientific accuracy or reproducibility of the original article is compromised. All corrigenda are approved by the editors of the journal and are linked to the original publication.
Retractions. An article is considered retracted if any kind of poor academic practice is confirmed after publication such as data fabrication; data falsification, including fraudulent image manipulation; intentional non-disclosure of conflicts of interest; plagiarism.
The journal «East Europe Historical Bulletin» provides for the use of a double-blind review system. All articles submitted to the editorial board undergo review (scientific examination), with the exception of reviews of scientific (popular science) works and reports of an informative nature. At the same time, the reviewer does not know about the author, the author - about the identity of the reviewer.
Reviewers are appointed by the editor-in-chief of the " «East Europe Historical Bulletin» collection. According to the decision of the editor-in-chief of the journal (under certain circumstances), the appointment of reviewers can be entrusted to a member of the editorial board. In some cases, the issue of selecting reviewers is decided at a meeting of the editorial board. Reviewers of manuscripts can be both members of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Eastern European Historical Herald" and third-party highly qualified specialists who have deep professional knowledge and work experience in certain professional fields.
If the reviewer indicates the need to make certain corrections in the article, the article is sent to the author with a proposal to take the comments into account when preparing an updated version of the article or to refute them with arguments. To the revised article, the author adds a message that contains responses to all comments and explains all changes made to the article. The corrected version is re-submitted to the reviewer for making a decision and preparing a reasoned conclusion about the possibility of publication. The date of recommendation of an article for publication is considered to be the date of receipt by the editors of a positive opinion of the reviewer (or decision of the editorial board) regarding the expediency and possibility of publication of the article.
- In case of the author’s disagreement with the reader’s opinion, he /she has the right to give a reasonably grounded answer to the journal’s editors. Under such circumstances his / her article is examined at the session of the journal’s editorial board. The editorial board can send the article for an additional or new reading to the other expert.
After receiving positive responses the manuscript should yet pas the literary and technical editing. The interaction of the author and the literary (technical) editor can occur in any form, ‑ personally, email, Skype, phone, etc. Insignificant corrections of stylistic or formal character, which do not influence the article’s content, are made by the literary (technical) editor without the coordination with the author.
- The final decision concerning the possibility and efficiency of publications is made by the editor-in-chief according to the recommendations of the responsible secretary of the journal. After decision-making on the article admission to be published, the responsible secretary of the journal informs the author on it and marks the expected term of the publication.
- The recommendation concerning the publication of the next issue of the journal (with instructions to its content) is carried out by the academic council of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University and is fixed in the corresponding protocol.