ISSN 2519-058X (Print)
ISSN 2664-2735 (Online)
Author Guidelines
Printed papers include scientific articles, publications of documents and memos, bibliographic and source study reviews, reviews for new editions, reports about scientific events in English which correspond to the profile of the publication and the current state of science.
The editorial board does not consider descriptive articles and surveys, as well as those that are not of general interest and do not contain meaningful conclusions. Each article is tested for plagiarism and reviewed by leading specialists in the relevant field of science. The publication takes place taking into account the date of submission of the article and the completion of the review. As a result, the article can be either recommended for printing, returned for reworking or rejected. Each issue cannot contain more than one article by a single author.
The presentation of the article should be clear and concise, the text literally read without repetitions. The author of the article is responsible for the accuracy of the material presented, for the personal ownership of the material, for the correct citation of the sources and corresponding references.
The articles, which do not meet the specified requirements, are not accepted for publishing.
Article length is 12 – 20 pages (20,000 – 40,000 characters with spaces) (font – Times New Roman, size 14, interline interval – 1.5, margin – 2 cm, paragraph – 1 cm). Formatting paragraphs with intervals (spaces) or tabs is not acceptable.
The UDC index (universal tithe classifier) – is placed before the title of the article, a separate line, in the upper left corner. The UDC index is defined by the author.
Information about the author (authors) is indicated in English and Ukrainian after the UDC index (full justification of the text) with the surname, name, scientific degree and academic rank, position, place of work, full address, e-mail of each co-author; the line below is the ORCID number (, the ResearcherID number (, the Scopus-Author ID (indicated if there are indexed publications in Scopus) and the DOI indication (assigned by the editors). All information is given in the title. The name of the author (authors) is highlighted in bold and italics, other information is only in italics. Submitted in Ukrainian and English languages. The number of ORCID, ResearcherID and Scopus-Author ID is defined by the author.
Bibliographic Description of the Article: Popp, R. & Kantor, N. (2021). Everyday Life of Intelligentsia of the Western Region of Ukraine in 1944 – 1953. Skhidnoievropeiskyi istorychnyi visnyk [East European Historical Bulletin], 21, 162–171. doi: 10.24919/2519-058X.21.246920
Title of the article. Capital letters, a separate paragraph without indents of the first line with alignment in the center. In Ukrainian and English languages. The terminology of the pseudoscientific character must not be used in the title.
The abstract is submitted in Ukrainian and English (at least 1 800 characters with spaces in each annotation) in accordance with the requirements of the scientometric databases as a structured abstract, and should contain the following distinguished elements: the purpose of the research, the methodology of research, scientific novelty, conclusions.
Keywords – words from the text of the material, which, in terms of information retrieval, carry a meaningful load. Keywords, in Ukrainian and English, are given in the nominal case; the total number of keywords is no less than three and no more than seven.
Mandatory requirement for articles is the appropriate level of English. The editors can independently carry out professional translation of articles into English. Articles with an inappropriate level of English translation will not be considered and the editorial staff will not keep in touch with its author.
The main part of the article should contain the following structural elements: problem statement; analysis of recent research and publications; purpose of the article; presentation of the main material; conclusions and prospects of further study of the issue discussed. All parts of the article in bold.
List of used sources and references (bibliography). According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to the scientific specialized publication and international standards of scientific publications, two separate lists of sources and literature used should be submitted:
1) «List of used sources (bibliography)» is formed in alphabetical order, without numbering, in the language of the cited sources – first Cyrillic, then Latin;
2) «References» is necessary for the correct indexing of references of articles by the scientometric and research systems; it duplicates the first list in Latin and brings Cyrillic sources in the transliterated form ( and translation (author's research title). For transliteration of Russian texts the US Department of State system ( The list is formed in alphabetical order in Latin without numbering.
If the quoted source has an English title (for example, an article in a scientific journal), then this title should be referred to for correct quoting. Both lists need to be processed according to the international APA bibliographic standard ( The use of 2-3 sources with DOI number is mandatory.
In the References list it is not allowed to use Cyrillic characters, therefore links in the second list must be made exclusively in Latin. To check the presence of Cyrillic letters in the Latin text (and vice versa – Latin in Cyrillic) the following or any other program can be used ( Upon automatic transliteration it is advisable to check the correctness of the result and make the necessary adjustments. In the list of references, the titles of works in languages that use non-Latinized alphabets must be translated into English and placed in square brackets; the names of the sources should be transliterated, at the end it is necessary to indicate the language of the original in square brackets.
The names of periodicals (magazines) should be in line with the official Latin spelling of the ISSN registration number, which is easy to find on the journal website or in any scientometric online database.
The List of used sources should be prepared exclusively according to the established requirements. All sources in the article should be referenced. References should be submitted using non-numbered and parenthesized references – by specifying the author's surname and year of work in brackets, separating the page number with a comma (Brown, 1999, p. 56). The archival sources in the text are fully disclosed when first mentioned: (Central State History Archive of Ukraine, f. 2, descr. 31, case 4, page 89). The subsequent references can be abbreviated (CSHAU, f. 2, d. 31, c. 4, p. 89).
Acknowledgements are given at the end of the article (to those who provided assistance during the study e.g., institutions, organizations, foundations, individual workers, etc.) as well as the information on research funding.
Acknowledgments. Sincere thanks to the rector of the Higher Education Institution «Kherson Academy of Continuing Education», Zubko Anatoliy.
Funding. The author received no financial support for the research, authoring, and / or publication of this article.
Additional requirements to the text of the article:
- each abbreviation should be inserted in the text in brackets after the first mention of the corresponding full phrase and only then it can be used;
- all tables and figures should be given a link in the text of the article;
- all tables should have headers (above a table, a separate paragraph of the text, without indent, bold);
- drawings must be accompanied by captions (under the figure, a separate paragraph, bold, center alignment, without indent; the caption must not be an element of the drawing) and numbered in the order of references in the text.
- one space between the words;
- distinguish the dash (–) and the hyphen (-);
- do not separate the mark of degree from the previous digit, minute, second, percent (25°; 5 '; 30'; 77%);
- separate the initials and the last name with inseparable space (VA Lavrenov); abbreviations at the end of the list (etc.), before names and surnames (Ms. Brown, V. Vynnychenko), before geographical names (Chernivtsi, v. Morinka, r. Zolota Lypa);
- for quotes use inverted commas: («»);
- dates are written with a dash with spaces: (1861, 1945 – 1947, (1945 – 1947), XV – XVIII centuries); a slash is used (1997/98 academic year; 2012/13 budget year);
- time and numerical intervals are written through a dash without spaces (July–August; 36–44);
- put an inseparable space in numerical data containing more than five digits after each three digits (13 255; 457 357; 46 532,5 kg.);
- any corrections made by the author, comments, highlights, etc., which are inserted into the quotation, should be written according to the following template: Hrushevsky points out to another negativity: «It was a disaster and on the other hand, that the scholastic school gave in general very little real knowledge and no encouragement to it, to positive sciences. And from this, too, that this school was very little connected with the real life of the Ukrainian people in the past and present; there was a very weakly marked national character in the broader meaning of that word» (Hrushevsky, 1906, p. 478) (the emphasis is ours – Author).