


Persian Gulf, oil, oil fields, concessions, spheres of influence, Arabs.


In the article analyzes the political and economic processes associated with the beginning of the struggle for oil that took place in the monarchies of the Persian Gulf. The exploration starts of operation of oil fields in the Persian Gulf region and conflicts between states related to the beginning of the struggle for oil.

It is noted that, taking advantage of the weakness and degradation of local authorities, large western concessionaires effortlessly sought to grant them unprecedented rights to develop, extraction and exploitation of the energy reserves of the Persian Gulf region. Significant role in the enslavement of countries that owned significant energy resources and transformed them into a semi-colony played foreign concessions.

Characterized activities of such oil campaigns as English-Persian, Standard Oil of New Jersey and Near East Development Corporation.

It is noted that the First World War introduced new adjustments in the alignment of forces in the region. The logic of the post-war territorial division was largely due to oil issues. Characterized in detail the content and effect of the Red Line Agreement (1928), which included the whole of the Arabian Peninsula (with the exception of the British protectorate of Kuwait) and the entire Middle East, and the contradictions that arose between countries at the time of this agreement.

It is concluded that in the early twentieth century Persian Gulf countries fell under the control of Great Britain. With the beginning of industrial oil production in Iran (1908) and before the start of the First World War, the region became an arena of rigid confrontation between the british, the americans and the russians.

The Iranian Mejlis consistently transmitted, and then annulled, the concession rights for the development of the northern oil fields of each of the parties. First World War introduced new adjustments in the alignment of forces. There is a penetration of American oil companies into a zone of purely British influence


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