


Holocaust, war, occupation, population, Jewry, Drohobych.


In the article the policy of Nazi authorities regarding the Jewish community is investigated. The history of the Holocaust in the city based on the life of the Jewish family of Drimers is highlighted. In the first days of German occupation, the Nazis began mass repressions against the Jewish population in Drohobych. Propaganda, robbery, deportation and execution were organized against them. The article uses the memoirs of Marcel Drimer, who at the age of ten, along with his parents, sister and uncle, was saved by the Polish-Ukrainian family of Jan and Zophiia Savinski.

The family of Drimers lived in the city of Drohobych and consisted of the marriage of Jakob and Laura and their children - the 5-year-old Marcel and the 3-year-old Irena. During the whole period of the German occupation, Dremers changed 19 different caches, organized a flight from the Drohobych ghetto and survived the numerous actions organized by the Nazis against the Jewish community of Drohobych. For the years of the Holocaust, Dreemers have lost almost all relatives who were killed or deported to German concentration camps, in which they died.

The article shows the activities of Ukrainians and Poles, aimed at preserving and saving the Jews of Drohobych and the outskirts. The Savinskis family, together with Karol and Anastasiia Klimchak, as well as with the help of Bartolomey and Petro Stetsyk saved more than fifty Jews. They provided them with secret shelters, food, clothing and cooking. This activity was very dangerous, because it threatened to shoot them. All was done in complete secrecy, so as not to cause suspicion of Nazi soldiers and neighbors. During the war, it was difficult to provide such a large crowd of people with food, so food was constantly lacking.

After arriving in the city of Soviet soldiers from 14 thousand Jews of Drohobych, only a few hundred survivors were left. Today Yad Vashem has given the title of People's Ruler of the world to Jan and Zophiia Savinski and their children Edward, Tadeush and Pavlina, as well as Bartolomey Stetsyk. The Savinskis family is one of the Polish Righteous Among the Nations. Batolomey Stetsyk has increased the number of Ukrainian Righteous Among the Nations.


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