
  • Наталія Турмис Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine



Ukrainian Studies, University of Vienna, history school, Ukrainian Research


The article covers the development of Ukrainian Studies in the University of Vienna in late XIX century – early XX century. Using available sources the author determines major trends in the development of Ukrainian studies in Austrian history research. The author also states, that the interest to Ukrainian subjects appeared in the University of Vienna in the middle of XIX century with the opening of the Chair of Slavonic Studies and Antiquities and concerned only linguistic aspects (F. Mikloshych). Thorough Ukrainian research of Vienna University started in late XIX century; they concerned the research tasks within literature and history fields (V. Jagich). Prof. Jagich is one of the first Austrian scholars, who paid attention to old Ukrainian literature heritage and stood for the distinctiveness of Ukrainian language. In general, more than 20 Ukrainian PhD students and scholarship receivers were members of Prof. Jagich’s school, including I. Franko, K. Studyn’sky, V. Shchurat and I. Zilynsky. Recognizing the important part of Prof. Jagich’s work in the development of Ukrainian Studies, the linguistic section of Ukrainian Scientific Society in 1903 accepted him as its member. At the beginning of XX century Ukrainian studies became the part of the research of PhD students, who worked at the seminar of Eastern European history at Vienna University (K. Yirechek). This is the period when Ukrainian Studies were defined, as separate direction of Slavonic history studies. The research within Ukrainian themes was conducted by PhD students of Ukrainian origin as well as the representatives of other nations, including the Jewish. It is important to state that this is the period, when three Ukrainian PhD students finishedtheir thesis within the themes of Ukrainian Studies, including H. Palamar, V. Chylak and V. Kushnir.

         In 1920s Ukrainian Studies became one of the prominent research at the seminars of Eastern European History (H. Ubersberger). Although the field of Prof. Ubersberger’s scientific interests was the history of Russia and Poland, among 122 written works, 14 concerned Ukrainian Studies (11%of general quantity).This is the third place after Russian Studies – 55 works (43%) and Polish Studies – 49 works (38%). It is important to pay attention to the quantity of Ukrainian PhD students, who finished their dissertation within the mentioned period – 10 people, including O. Stepaniv, N. Surovtsova, I. Nimchuk, M. Skoryk, V. Kysilevsky.

         1930s – 1940s saw the decline of Ukrainian Studies at the seminar of Eastern European History (H. Ubersberger) in the University of Vienna. The events of the World War II and the lack of interest in Ukrainian themes of M. Vinkler and A. Hayek, the heads of the seminar, did not contribute to the students’ interest in Ukrainian Studies M. Yaremko was the only one PhD student who completed his thesis in the mentioned period.

         The author also pays special attention to the work of prominent Ukrainian researchers in the University of Vienna. The scientific schools of V. Jagich, K. Yirechek, and H. Ubersberger involved whole array of Ukrainian scholars in the research work, including I. Franko, K. Studyn’sky, M. Korduba, V. Shchurat, I. Svientsitsky, O. Stepaniv, M. Skoryk, V. Kysilevsky and many others. Later, the results of the works of these young intellectuals became solid basis for Ukrainian science.


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