



immigrants, workers on the organized recruitment, housing, material and living conditions


The article is devoted to the process of housing provision of agricultural workers and immigrants by the organized recruitment. The particular features of the housing and material living conditions are shown in the research by the author. During the 4060's some various steps of the Soviet government about housing for immigrants have been made. «Housing» exemptions of agricultural settlers were determined by the governmental regulative laws and different documents, and for workers they were assigned in employment contracts according to the organized recruitment. The main practical results of the governmental policy about planned housing immigrants are also concluded in the study. The author has considered some deficiencies and the main problems and difficulties of placing settlers in new locations. It has been found that the first postwar decade could be characterized by repairing old buildings, reconstruction of destroyed and construction of dormitories, barracks and a new low-cost, low-quality housing. Material living and sanitary conditions in these areas were too low. However, the settlers were forced to use these variants for living, as a significant percentage of the population was living in huts and dugouts. It is emphasized in the article that the living problems of immigrants in the USSR have been existed in conditions of general crisis-union housing and security. In the 1960s some significant steps in improving housing of immigrants have been committed. The modernized typical house projects have been developed and implemented into some new designs. However, despite much attention to the question of housing there was a huge gap between the promising and actual living conditions. Material costs of the government for improving the housing were spent inappropriately. Among other reasons of non-fulfillment the plan of housing and delayed commissioning of housing the author calls the irrational using some building materials, external building other industrial objects, incompletion of workforce, shortage of building materials, lack of control over the expenses and loans allocated for building .

The author has concluded that there were a lot of urgent problems as for the living conditions of immigrants in the USSR in the 4060-ies. They are included the lack of housing, slow and poor-quality building, lack of water supplying, nonobservance of sanitary norms in dormitories and workers' settlements. Solving the housing problem was carried out very slowly. Despite the measures in material and human resources at the end of the 60's housing had not kept in time to the industrialization and agricultural development.

The material is based on archival sources and extensive factual data, which gives a full picture of the housing provision of agricultural workers and immigrants according to the organized recruitment.


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How to Cite

Касьянова, Н. (2017). HOUSING PROVISION OF IMMIGRANTS IN USSR (1940 – 1960-ies). EAST EUROPEAN HISTORICAL BULLETIN, (3). https://doi.org/10.24919/2519-058x.3.101050


