Union of Ukrainian Lawyers in Lviv, newspaper “Dilo”, trade union activity, Ukrainian language rights, interwar PolandAbstract
The purpose of the research is to find out the reception peculiarities by the authors and editors of the newspaper “Dilo” of the activities of the Union of Ukrainian Lawyers in 1923 – 1934. The chronological framework is due to the fact that it was in the first decade of the activity of the UUL that the main forms and directions of the organization's activity took place, which was noted during the jubilee celebration of the 10th anniversary of the UUL in 1934. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity, objectivity, as well as methods of criticism of historical sources, content analysis of media materials. The Scientific Novelty. For the first time in historical science, the coverage of the activities of the UUL in the first decade of this organization's activity in the daily Ukrainian newspaper “Dilo” was analyzed. The Conclusions. Consequently, during the first decade of its existence, the UUL turned into an extensive, structured public organization of Ukrainian lawyers in Poland (primarily in Eastern Galicia and Volhynia), which united about 75% of the Ukrainian lawyers in its ranks. It was a unique trade union in the Ukrainian lands during the interwar years, as similar organizations did not exist in other Ukrainian lands within the USSR, Romania, and Czechoslovakia. Considering the lack of archival materials on the history of the UUL, one of the most complete and accessible historical sources remains the Ukrainian press, in particular the daily newspaper “Dilo”. It published articles that contained facts (dates, events, names and surnames of people) about the organization's general meetings, its governing bodies, areas of activity, etc. It is important that the newspaper highlighted the results of the activities of the UUL branches in the provincial towns of Galicia (Stryi, Kolomyia, Sambir, Stanislaviv, Drohobych, Ternopil), and also summarized the content of scientific and practical informational reports of the members of the organization. The newspaper “Dilo” informed readers in detail about one of the most important areas of activity of the UUL – the protection of the rights of the Ukrainian language in the administrative and judicial system of interwar Poland. The newspaper focused on the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the UUL, which was celebrated in Lviv on September 22, 1934.
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