The purpose of the research is to clarify the main trends in the civil society organizations development in Ukraine, in particular, the volunteer movement, charitable organizations, nongovernmental (public organizations). Research Methodology. In the article there has been used an analytical approach to a retrospective analysis of the activities of non-governmental organizations in
the society. The research is also based on the principles of systematicity, a concrete historical approach,
a historical and systemic method. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time in
historical sciences, the formation of a civil society in Ukraine has been elucidated through the prism of
challenges that arose in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian war of 2014 – 2024.
The Conclusions. After 2014, the Ukrainian civil society, responding to civilizational challenges
and threats to the country’s territorial integrity, qualitatively increased its influence and helped
maintain the country’s defense capabilities. Civil institutions become a driving force in the processes
of establishing interaction between the authorities and citizens. A multifaceted support is provided by
civil institutions (assistance in forced relocation from occupied settlements, a further care of internally
relocated people, legal consultations, a psychological support, material subsidies, support to those communities that will remain in the front-line territories, occupied and de-occupied regions) plays a significant role in countering disinformation, fixing the crimes of the Russian Federation, restoring the
housing stock. Civil society organizations enjoy a lot of trust among the population and foreign funds,
and owing to them, it is possible to accumulate a significant amount of funds from donations to solve
both large-scale and specific requests of the Armed Forces, volunteer units.
During the full-scale invasion actualization of the grassroots public level proved that the Ukrainian
civil society is capable of responding to crises quickly. Instead, a significant challenge for the further effective activity of these organizations is the problem of cooperation between organizations and funds, an effective distribution of financial resources, and maintenance of a stable level of activity.
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