Przemyśl State Gymnasium, Director Stepan Shakh, educational reform of the 1930s, educational and educative processAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyse the activities of Stepan Shakh as the director of the Przemyśl State Gymnasium, to outline the main areas of the school administration under his chairmanship. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, the use of general scientific (generalization, typology) and special scientific research methods, in particular comparative and historical, historical and systemic, critical analysis of sources. The Scientific Novelty of the Research. On the basis of a complex analysis of the memories of the figures who worked and studied at the Przemyśl Gymnasium during the outlined period, the main directions of Stepan Shakh's administrative work as the director of the educational institution have been highlighted. In particular, the main reorganization steps in connection with the reform of school education have been defined. The focus is on the development of cultural and educational, national and sports life of students. Based on the studied materials of the press and historiography, the authors came to the conclusions: Stepan Shakh, as the director of the Przemyśl Gymnasium, managed to establish the educational process in accordance with the school education reforms of the 1930s. The director responded to the challenges of the times and introduced a number of innovations related to the professional and technical specialization of education (opened workshops, driving courses, etc.), continued the development of traditional educational areas. The head of the gymnasium cooperated with the Ukrainian public figures of the region, the society of parents and graduates, who supported charitable initiatives, cultural, sports and spiritual life of the gymnasium students
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