The political influence of Western European magazines on the Polish women’s fashion magazines have been analysed, which were published in Lviv and on the territory of Warsaw, Krakow, and Vienna at the end of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries. The Polish women’s fashion publications have undergone a transformation process: from appendices of respected socio-political publications to independent publications; from salon fashion publications to socio-political magazines dedicated to women’s activity in a political and social life. The purpose of the research is to study the thematic field of the Polish women’s fashion magazines published in Lviv and distributed in other European cities; to trace the transformation processes of the Polish political women’s periodicals formation of the end of the 19th – the first half of the 20th century, which emerged from women’s fashion magazines and were influenced by Western European magazines significantly. The Research Methodology. There have been used comparative and historical, structural and systemic, and problem-chronological approaches in the analysis of the topics and issues of the Polish women’s fashion magazines, which were influenced by Western European magazines; analysis and synthesis of the problems of the Polish women’s magazines; a comparative analysis comparing and contrasting the thematic field of the Polish women’s fashion magazines. The structural and systemic method made it possible to trace the process of transformation of the Polish women's fashion publications. The Scientific Novelty. The transformation process of the Polish women’s fashion magazines at the end of 19th and at the beginning of the 20th centuries into socio-political magazines that were influenced by Europe has been studied; the main features of the thematic field of the Polish women’s publications, which were characteristic of the publications of these magazines, have been highlighted; general trends in the development of genre features of this group of women’s magazines and their connection with the Ukrainian women's fashion magazines have been established. The Conclusion. The Polish women’s fashion magazines, which were published in Lviv and distributed on the territory of Warsaw, Krakow, and Vienna, underwent a significant transformation: from fashion magazines of an entertaining nature to socio-political publications. These processes were facilitated by the influence of Western European fashion magazines.
Key words: transformational processes, Polish womenʼs fashion magazines, salon fashion publications, womenʼs entertainment press.
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