The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study of the biography of a priest, teacher, church figure, Professor at Lviv University Ivan Bartoshevsky, whose life path and professional activity fell on the second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century, when in Galicia, as a typical region of the ethno-religious borderland, worldview values were transformed and educational and scientific processes rapidly evolved. The research methodology is based on general scientific and special scientific principles and methods, as well as the principles of historicism, verification, scientific pluralism, systematicity and consistency. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that for the first time in the Ukrainian biography, the main stages of the life and professional activity of Ivan Bartoshevsky have been comprehensively covered against the background of ethno-religious, educational, socio-cultural processes in Galicia during the Austro-Hungarian era.
The Conclusion. Ivan Bartoshevsky was born in Lviv to a family of the Ukrainian burghers, and received his higher education and scientific degree in Theology in Vienna. After receiving ordination, he projects himself into versatile activity, including teaching High School Catechetics and University Pastoral Theology and Pedagogy, preaching activity, religious journalism, as well as an ecclesiastical career at Lviv Greek-Catholic Metropolis. The main vector of his activity was the training of future priests, and the means to achieve this goal were University theoretical and practical courses, homiletic seminars for students, as well as the publication of his own sermons in the Christian periodicals. Ivan Bartoshevsky accumulated his pedagogical experience in the first University manual on Pedagogy in the Ukrainian language, which was published twice at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and became an important source of pedagogical and theological thought of the time. Due to the lack of a thorough research, certain pages of Ivan Bartoshevsky's biography remained insufficiently elucidated until nowadays. In particular, the fact of his paternity with the famous Polish essayist Jan Parandowski was proven, however, given the nuances of church law, Professor had no way to legitimize this fact.
Key words: education, University, catechetics, textbook, Greek Catholic Church, homiletics, religious periodical.
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