The purpose of the article is to analyze the subject matter, ideological and educational potential of legal children's periodicals that were published in the territory of the general district of “Volyn-Podillia” during the Nazi occupation. The research methodology consists of general scientific and special historical methods. The research is based on the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity and a problem-chronological approach. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that, on the basis of primary sources, the thematic and content issues of legal children's periodicals, which were published in the territory of the general district of “Volyn-Podillia” during the Nazi occupation, have been analyzed in detail. The Conclusion. It has been determined that in the territory of the general district “Volyn-Podillia”, which was part of the Reich Commissariat “Ukraine”, during the Nazi occupation, several specialized legal Ukrainian-language periodicals for children were published: “Orlenia”, “Ukrainska Dytyna”, “Shkoliaryk” and “Shkoliaryk's Leaflet”. At the same time, there were “children's pages” in some contemporary universal periodicals. The chief editors of the magazines were journalists, teachers, cultural and public figures known at that time. The children's magazines under analysis were distributed in different regions of Ukraine. Taking into account the conditions under which schoolchildren of that time lived – the lack of textbooks, children's literature, impossibility of attending school and the lack of full-fledged education – publications were a significant educational tool that contributed to education and development, awareness in various fields, and encouraged creativity. Since the publishing houses operated under control of the occupation authorities, the magazines simultaneously served as a platform for the spread of the Nazi ideology and propaganda work. Each of the above mentioned magazines for children had a certain structure, which provided for the presence of a number of permanent and changing sections. The thematic and genre palette of children's publications was quite diverse. Materials on the history of Ukraine, geography, Ukrainian literature, mathematics, etc., recommended for use in the educational process, were published. An important component of children's periodicals were illustrations that served to illustrate the text, some of them contained a corresponding ideological direction, some – simply decorated the pages. Despite the propaganda, anti-Soviet orientation of the publications and orientation that everything German is the best, the magazines were sufficiently informative, interesting, educational and contributed to education, upbringing and development of school children.
Key words: children’s periodicals, the Nazi occupation regime, general district “Volyn-Podillia”.
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