existential war, Marek Karp Centre for Eastern Studies, Komentarze OSW, analytical reception.Abstract
The purpose of the study is to clarify the peculiarities of interpreting the full-scale stage of the Russian-Ukrainian war by analysts of the Marek Karp Centre for Eastern Studies. The methodological basis of the work is an interdisciplinary approach with particular emphasis on the structural and functional systematic analysis of historiographical facts and the comparative and historical method based on the principles of objectivity and historicism. The scientific novelty of the article consists in clarifying the peculiarities of the modern stage of Russian aggression against Ukraine by the Centre for Eastern Studies employees. The Conclusion. The research proved that the Centre for Eastern Studies closely observed the events of the full-scale stage of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation, defining it as an existential war. At the same time, not only notorious incidents of armed confrontation fell into the field of their expert discussion. The integrity of the analytical image is complemented by numerous texts about the socio-economic situation in Ukraine, the Kremlin's policy on the occupied territories and successful efforts to create and increase the anti-Putin coalition. Owing to this, the interested observer formed a complete and balanced picture of all the key aspects of the last year of the war. The Polish colleagues, in many respects, imitated the rhetoric of the Ukrainian mass media, placing clear accents when describing the genocidal practices of the Russian regime. This influenced the formation and maintenance of public opinion favourable to Ukraine in Poland and other European Union countries, where Polish Eastern studies have high academic prestige. As a result, this contributes to the neutralization of the efforts of Putin's propagandists in the information space of the states of our partners. Largely owing to this, our country maintains the unwavering support of its allies, despite changes in political cabinets in many countries of the continent. This is an essential prerequisite for the fact that the Ukrainians will not only endure but also win in their most crucial war.
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