cultural policy, the Ukrainian SSR, the Bolshevik party, Ukrainianization, national revival, RussificationAbstract
The purpose of the study is to determine the consequences of the Bolshevik policy transformation to Ukraine in the field of culture in the 1920s. The research methodology is based on the application of the principles of historical knowledge (historical and genetic, historical and comparative, historical and systemic), authorial objectivity, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, which made it possible to use the technologies of science connections for a holistic understanding of the material, which allowed to determine the purpose of the Bolshevik cultural policy and methods of its implementation in Ukraine. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the ideological manipulation of the officially announced policy in the field of education, publishing and literature has been highlighted, since the real actions of the Bolsheviks were a return to Russification through immigration policy, simultaneous identification of supporters of Ukrainization and independent Ukrainian leaders with the aim of controlling or physically destroying them. The Conclusion. It has been determined that in the field of culture the most important task of the Bolshevik policy was the formation of a new type of a human being – the Soviet one. This meant instilling ideology, raising intolerance, and declaring those who had a different position “enemies of the people”. For the same purpose, an extensive system of censorship and repressive bodies was created. Transformation also took place in the national and cultural sphere: from Russification to Russification, and the policy of Ukrainization can be considered as a temporary phenomenon, which aimed at fulfilling only tactical tasks – to take root in national areas and carry out industrialization. However, flourishing of the national culture, spread of the national idea, and increase in centripetal attitudes forced the Bolsheviks to curtail Ukrainization and eliminate representatives of the Ukrainian cultural and political elite from the mid-1920s. At the same time, the totalitarian system demanded unquestioning loyalty to the party leaders, exact execution of all orders up to self-sacrifice. Such deformation caused deep social changes, the vestiges of which can be observed even today among population of the post-Soviet countries.
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