Hetmanate, borders, delimitation, demarcation, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russian Empire.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to analyze the prospects of interdisciplinary research on the late Hetmanate borders with Russian territories and Zaporizhzhian Sich, borders of Ukrainian autonomy with Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The methodology of research includes the methods of historical and legal sciences and based on the principles of historicism and consistency. Both general scientific (analysis and synthesis, generalization, system analysis), special and historical (critical analysis of sources, retrospective, historical and comparative) methods as well as legal science (formal and legal, comparative legal) methods have been used. The Scientific Novelty. For the first time, in the article there have been singled out separate directions of historical and legal research on the example of the activities of government officials related to the delimitation and demarcation of borders. Prospective ways of the “direction” (in some cases, we can talk about modernization) of borders, such as: delimitation and demarcation of borders, activities of the Ukrainian and Russian government officials, who were engaged in delimitation and demarcation, have been determined. The perspective of a systematic analysis of the Cossack starshyna views, involved in border commissions, on Hetmanship and on the Russian Empire, on the neighbouring Zaporizhzhia, on the western neighbour of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, has been also done. The Conclusion. The study of the demarcation of the late Hetmanate borders is a promising object for interdisciplinary research by a whole group of researchers in the field of historical and legal research. The evidence suggests that representatives of the administration of the Hetman region tried to carry out border demarcation profitably, while some of them showed an inappropriate attitude to work in joint demarcation commissions. It is shown that the border demarcation was a difficult task; its implementation was carried out by personalities known in the history of Eastern Europe.
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