accounting and statistical works; land use statistics; continuous observation; average values; zemstvo statisticians.Abstract
The purpose of publication is to analyze the experience and achievements of agricultural statistics of the provincial zemstvos of the territory of modern Ukraine and to clarify their significance for modern branches of agrarian science. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity, systematicity and complexity. There have been used general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, typology), historical (periodization, problem-chronological) and methods of source and archival analysis. The Scientific Novelty. The research by provincial statisticians led to results that became important factors in the rapid development of agricultural science at the beginning of the 20th century, contributed to the achievement of a qualitatively higher level of practical development of the region's agriculture and the development of a local type of intensive agricultural system. The presented work reveals and summarizes the main achievements of provincial statisticians in the territory of modern Ukraine in the main fields of agrarian science. The Conclusion. There have been illustrated the following issues: the application of statistics, as the latest scientific methodology, in agricultural research allowed the zemstvo institutions to analyze and justify the results, to set and solve new actual practical tasks. There has been analyzed the experience of the statistical works of provincial zemstvos of modern Ukraine territory in the agricultural sector, has been found out their significance for modern branches of agrarian science and identified the main stages of their activity in the study of agriculture in the region. This led to the conclusion that the statistical institutions of the zemstvos have turned into scientific institutions in their activities. It has been determined that the search by provincial statisticians for new research methods to achieve a qualitatively higher level of development of the region's agriculture, based on adherence to scientific methodologies, got to outstanding scientific results. The achievements of Zemstvo statisticians in the fields of soil science, agriculture, agronomy, crop production, research work, and agricultural economics establish the power of Zemstvo statistics in shaping directions of research in various branches of agrarian science and prove the importance of the contribution of statistical research to the development of agrarian science.
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