Eastern Galicia, the Republic of Poland, Greek-Catholic parish clergy, Greek-Catholic Church, priests.Abstract
The purpose of the study is to clarify the position of the Greek-Catholic parish clergy during and after World War I and to determine the main directions of its activity in the territory of Eastern Galicia under the conditions of inclusion of this region in the Republic of Poland. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, scientificity, objectivity, and systematicity. General scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization), special and historical (historical and genetic, historical and systemic) methods have been used. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive research and analysis of the declared topic and the introduction to the scientific circulation of archival materials, which makes it possible to clarify the content and regularities of the activity of the Greek-Catholic parish clergy of Eastern Galicia in 1914 – 1939. The Conclusion. The policy of the occupation regimes on the territory of Eastern Galicia in the specified period caused significant material and human losses, which had a negative impact on the activities of the GCC. Only during World War I, the number of active Greek Catholic clergy decreased by 36.7%. The restoration of the Church during the period of 1918 – 1925 was hampered by several socio-political factors: the aggravation of the Ukrainian-Polish national question; military actions of the Soviet-Polish war of 1919 – 1920; mono-confessional orientation of the policy of the Polish government, which led to the infringement of the rights of Greek Catholics and slowed down the restoration of parishes. The conclusion of a concordat between the Holy See and the Poland Republic in 1925 determined the legal field of activity of the GCC became the basis for the stabilization of state-church relations. The articles of the concordat provided for state financing of the clergy and provision of funds for the restoration and construction of temple buildings. At the end of the 1930s GCC not only succeeded in restoring but also increased human and material potential. Priests were spiritual and political leaders in Eastern Galicia through participation in political parties, societies, associations, unions,
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