Andrey Sheptytsky, Greek-Catholic Church, state formation, nation, education, patriotism.Abstract
The purpose of the research is to analyze A. Sheptytskyi’s pastoral messages, which reflect the vision of the Galician Metropolitan on the role of science, education, and religion in the process of the civil society formation in Ukraine, in particular: the message “To the Faithful of the Stanislaviv Eparchy The First Word of the Shepherd” (1899), “To the Ukrainian Intelligentsia” (1900), “Joint pastoral message of Metr. Andrey Sheptytskyi and other bishops ... on the task of the Church and the people during the post-war period (1918), Message to the clergy “Who is to blame?” (1934), “The Ideal of our National Life” (1941). The methodology of research is based on comparative historical, comparative, complex methods. The national existential methodology has been also used in the research, as the political and social phenomena causes, which were highlighted in A. Sheptytskyi’s messages have been considered through the prism of the Ukrainians’ mentality, the national consciousness importance, education and culture as factors in the formation of a strong state have been emphasized. The scientific novelty is due to the fact that in the article for the first time there has been analyzed A. Sheptytskyi’s research “A Valuable Sign of our Nation” in detail and the letter of the writer A. Chaikovskyi to Andrey Sheptytskyi, in which the Ukrainian intelligentsia gave assessment of the Metropolitan’s pastoral messages to people (1901). The Conclusion. Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi’s national educational activity contributed to the Ukrainians’ progressive worldview formation and was highly appreciated by his contemporaries. In particular, A. Chaikovskyi noted that the Metropolitan’s pastoral letters had a great influence on the Ukrainians, as they helped to orient themselves in the socio-political situation, adapt to the challenges and realities of the historical era, and, thus, became a signpost for both the youth and the adult population. A. Sheptytskyi emphasized the duty of every person to be active and cheer for the society to which he belongs and for his nearest and dearest. The Metropolitan of Galicia motivated the inseparable connection of spiritual and material values convincingly.
According to A. Sheptytskyi, along with the priest’s educational work among the parishioners there should be the influence of educational institutions as well. Metropolitan Andrey said that the Ukrainians’ desire for education was “a valuable characteristics of our people”. A. Sheptytskyi emphasized that wealth, power, might, and strength would not replace a person’s wisdom, would not make a person happy. Metropolitan Sheptytskyi contrasted the worldview of educated Ukrainians with ordinary shallow people, who were used to evaluate a person by the amount of money. According to A. Sheptytskyi, it was conscious, highly educated individuals, who were capable of compassion and love for their neighbour, who could form a state power that would manage society efficiently, taking into account the interests of various social groups. Hence, as many Ukrainians as possible should have access to high-quality education, moral and ethical education, because then they will be able to participate in the process of state formation.
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