
  • Serhii BILAN PhD hab. (History), Professor of the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Valentyn DOMOROSLYI PhD hab. (History), Associate Professor of the Department of Social, Humanitarian and Legal Disciplines of the Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine



duma, declaration, community, faction, magazine, deputy, autonomy, national issue.


The purpose of the research is to determine the issues and areas of the Ukrainian Duma community’s deputies activity in the Autonomists’ Union – an organization of peoples in the Russian Empire, which emerged during the revolution of 1905 and sought decentralization of the Russian Empire under the conditions of the national autonomy and autonomism. To find out the reasons and principles of Russia’s transformation from an empire to a union of nations with broad autonomous powers. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity. The logic of the presentation of the material is based on the problem historical principle, which made it possible to reveal in a chronological order the main directions of the Ukrainian Duma community’s deputies activity and the State Duma of Russia in the Autonomists’ Union. The scientific novelty of the research consists in understanding of historical experience of solving the national issue in a multinational state. There has been made an attempt to do an in-depth analysis of Ukrainian deputies-citizens’ activities of the First State Duma of Russia and their activities in the Autonomists’ Union. Chief focus was on the coherence of actions in terms of resolving the autonomous rights of the Ukrainian and the Polish deputies. The Conclusion. The Russian Empire was a “prison of nations”, where the majority of its population did not have any elementary rights and national freedoms. In the article there have been analysed the main stages of the Autonomists’ Union in Russia and the Ukrainian deputies participation, the members of the Ukrainian Duma community and the State Duma in the direction of solving the national issue. The study of the citizens’ deputies participation in the Autonomists’ Union remain suite promising direction of research, because the available materials provide information about the activities of the organization, mainly I. Shrah, and occasionally V. Shemet.


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