



Bohuslav, “historical town”, cultural heritage, historical monuments, cultural and historical potential.


The purpose of the research is to elucidate the history of the town of Bohuslav, as a space of a historical town” and an object of the national cultural heritage. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity, scientificity, verification, authorial objectivity, moderate narrative constructivism, as well as the use of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special historical (historical genetic, historical typological, historical systemic ) methods. The scientific novelty consists in the discovery of an urban-type settlementBohuslav as one of the objects of the cultural and historical heritage of Ukraine; presentation of the centuries-old history of the city in historical, cultural and architectural monuments as a unique cultural phenomenon that combines the valuable heritage of the Ukrainian people. The Conclusion. The historical and cultural potential of Bohuslav is contained, first of all, in the architectural monuments of the past centuries of the historical town”. At the same time, the town is known in Ukraine and abroad for the unique creations of folk art mastersembroidery, weaving, carpet weaving, which absorbed centuries-old traditions, gone beyond the scope of economic use, reached a high level and gained world recognition. The life of famous Ukrainian figures was closely connected with the town of Bohuslav: writers, poets, artists, playwrights. However, today the level of preservation of the cultural monuments of the town causes serious concern, some of them, including those of state importance, are in an unsatisfactory state. There is a need for the restoration research works related to their artistic and aesthetic aspect. A special role is played by the cultural policy of local administration to optimize the ratio of traditions and innovations in solving construction, design and reconstruction issues.


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