



Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR, legislative acts, economy, socio-economic crisis, reforms.


The article focuses on the analysis of socio-economic processes in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic through the prism of the activities of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR at the final stage of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics existence (USSR). The purpose of the article is to analyze the legislative regulation of processes in the economic sphere in the Ukrainian SSR against the background of a large-scale socio-economic crisis that covered all branches of industry and agriculture. The methodology of research of a complex of problems related to the legislative activity of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR during the period under analysis is determined by general scientific (comparative, dialectical, structural and functional, etc.) and special historical (historical and genetic, historical and comparative, historical and typological, historical and systemic, etc.) methods. Doing research seems impossible without using the principles of historicism, consistency, scientific pluralism, objectivity, systematicity, and comprehensiveness. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the formulation issue that has not been the subject of a special scientific study: in historical retrospect, the measures of the central authorities have been considered, primarily, the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR, aimed at combating “negative phenomena” in the socio-economic sphere of the Ukrainian SSR; there have been analyzed the basic legislative acts aimed at overcoming the crisis in the basic sectors of the economy, and their effectiveness / ineffectiveness has been singled out. The Conclusion. At the final stage of the hlasnost policy, democratization, and perebudova in the Ukrainian SSR, a large-scale socio-economic crisis continued in the country, caused, first of all, by an imperfect command-administrative system of managing economy. Under the conditions of political pluralism and multipartyism, the Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU), which in 1990 – 1991 formed the majority in the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR, unsuccessfully tried to improve the situation in the agro-industrial sector of the country, to raise the standard of living of the population by introducing elements of market economy, which, however, did not achieve the expected results and caused a flurry of criticism by the population, radicalized public sentiment.


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