
  • Vadym KOROBKA PhD (History), Associate Professor of the Department of History and Archeology, Historical Faculty, Mariupol State University, Ukraine
  • Yuliia KOROBKA PhD (History), Associate Professor of the Department of History and Archeology, Historical Faculty, Mariupol State University, Ukraine



Katerynoslav province, city public administration, self-government, province Presence (Prysutstviye) in zemstvo and city affairs, Senate, municipal election process, city council.


 The purpose of the research is to elucidate the effectiveness of state control over municipal election process in Katerynoslav province (1870 – 1907). The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, scientificity, interdisciplinarity significance approach, the use of general scientific (analysis, synthesis and generalization) and special scientific (historical and genetic, comparative and historical, modelling) methods. The scientific novelty is determined by the use of unpublished archival and published source materials that have not yet been introduced into scientific circulation and have not been used by modern researchers for historical analysis, in order to clarify the details of state control over municipal election process in Katerynoslav province (1870 – 1907). The Conclusion. The identified and analysed sources illustrate the fact that Katerynoslav province Presence (Prysutstviye) in zemstvo and city affairs played the role of a central link of state control over municipal election process in the province. It was this body that determined the presence or absence of current legislation violations by municipal public administrations. This body took measures to restore legality. It has been determined that in the vast majority of urban communities of Katerynoslav province there were cases of elections results annulment to administrative or executive institutions of municipal self-government due to procedures violations of the municipal election process and the rights of voters. It has been proven that Presence (Prysutstviye), as a body of state control over public administrations, when adopting resolutions, misinterpreted the imperial legislation. There has been found out effectiveness weakening of state supervision of legality due to rare cases of delay in a legal formation of the municipal self-government institutions and a small number of city residents who received the right to vote. It has been determined that in the event of disputes regarding decisions of Presence (Prysutstviye – the imperial body), an excessive centralization led to transfer of even minor cases resolution to a higher level of state administration, their accumulation there and untimely resolution. Deprived of a rational organization, the movement of individual Senate decrees, which protected the decisions of self-governing institutions to interested parties, seems to be slow.


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