cooperation, cooperative movement, international relations, workshops father, Mykola Levytsky.Abstract
The purpose of the research is to analyze the activities of a renowned Ukrainian cooperator Mykola Levytskyy in the international arena. The methodology of the research is based on a general scientific synthetic method and a special historical chronological method. Due to the specified research methods it was possible to single out and systematize the data on the international activities of Mykola Levytsky and to elucidate the issue of a cooperative activist's work in the international arena. The scientific novelty of the research consists in summarizing and highlighting the international contacts of the Ukrainian cooperator Mykola Levytsky with the representatives of other countries and his activities outside Ukraine. The Conclusion. 1. Mykola Levytsky had a great authority among the international public. The paramount reason for this authority was a large scale of his cooperative work, as well as M. Levytsky’s cooperative views, which envisaged broad international cooperation in the field of cooperative movement. 2. In general, the cooperator’s relations with foreign countries were informative in nature. M. Levytsky was renowned in the international arena, his experience was studied and respected, and the international public was ready to take advantage of his potential in the field of organizing cooperative societies. Information concerning Mykola Levytsky’s activities covered Eastern and Western Europe and North America. Economic and organizational work in the field of cooperation was directly carried out by him in Eastern Europe. He took part in international cooperative congresses in the countries of Western Europe regularly. 3. Mykola Levytsky strove for the establishment of the Ukrainian cooperation as an independent subject of the international cooperative movement. He substantiated the drastic need for the Ukrainian cooperation national centres establishment actively, which could be independent of the imperial cooperative structures of Russia, and Mykola Levytsky took practical measures to establish them.
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