minor, criminal responsibility, source of law, punishment, public danger, Christianity.Abstract
The purpose of the research is to consider the historical circumstances of the “Ruska Pravda” formation; revealing the specific influence of Christianity on the development of legislation on child protection; detecting the main features of the “Ruska Pravda” in view of the responsibility of minors. The scientific novelty of the research can be seen in the presentation of scientific discussions on the problem of determining the role of the “Ruska Pravda” among the sources of juvenile law. The research methodology is based on the use of analytical and synthetic criticism of historical documents. Comparative and contrastive methods of various lists and editions of the “Ruska Pravda”, which have survived till our time and at different historical periods were included in various compilations of the legislation that formed the foundations of “ruske pravo”, have been used. The Conclusion. As a result of the conducted research, it was possible to determine that customary law is the first attempt of the legislator to create a set of rules for the normal functioning of social relations in the state, which are prohibited for violation, and to form an algorithm for responding to non-fulfillment of the norms set forth. The emergence of customary law was a strong impetus for the then society which brought the state to a new level of interrelations, including international ones. It is also worth noting that in terms of legal force custom was equated with law. It has been found out that for that period of time actualization of minors as full-fledged objects of legislative influence would mean their recognition as full members of the society. On the one hand, this would expand the subject structure of the “insult”, on the other hand, it would fundamentally change the course of the society, which could have less desirable consequences for the principality. Recognizing the leading role of a man made it easier to establish the limits of responsibility and choose the punishment, that is why, women and children related to that man were subjected to certain repressions as an additional influence on the offender. This was a direct violation of the principle of individualization of punishment, and therefore unusual and unacceptable for the modern state. It has been determined that the “Ruska Pravda”, in fact, did not single out the minors as a special category of the subjects of criminal responsibility. The historical circumstances of the formation and development of Old Rus legislation have been traced. The reasons for which Christianity had an influence on legislative work have been highlighted. The main features of the “Ruska Pravda” in view of the responsibility of the minors have been singled out, which are: 1) lack of a clear idea of a socially dangerous act and its potential consequences; 2) lack of individualization of punishment and final differentiation of its limits depending on the type of offense; 3) absence of the minors in the subject structure of criminal offenses; 4) relative humanity and democracy; 5) integrated and actualized Christian concept in the norms of Old Rus legislation.
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