Andrew III of Hungary, the Arpad dynasty, Hungarian kingdom, Morosini, the Anjou dynasty.Abstract
The purpose is to analyze the period of Andrew III's reign of Hungary (András III), the influence of the Morosini family on the political life of Hungary and the relationship between the monarch and the representatives of the oligarchic top of the kingdom. The Methodology of the Research. Primarily, historical comparative, structural and systemic methods of analysis, a problem-chronological and biographical method of presenting the material have been used. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the period of the reign of Andrew III of Hungary has been analyzed in historiography thouroghly, the key issues of the monarch’s internal policy have been determined. The Conclusion. The reign of Andrew III of Hungary, the last representative of the male branch of the Arpad dynasty, coincided with one of the most unstable periods in the history of Hungary. The period of Laszlo IV Kuhn's rule led to the loss of part of the north-eastern territories, the independence of large oligarchic estates from the royal power, and the loss of political influence on the international arena. Andrew III of Hungary inherited the internal political system, the foundation of which was laid in the previous years and the essence of which was that the King was forced to adhere to a certain political camp of magnates who were turning into oligarchs more and more. Despite his personal charisma and traits of character, Andrew III of Hungary was unable to counteract centrifugal tendencies effectively, which gained momentum in Hungary during the reign of his predecessors and he could not get rid of the dependence of the royal power on the support of powerful baronial groups. Strong financial support from relatives and the Republic of Venice allowed the monarch to create the appearance of power, but did not allow to restore the institutions of royal power, which, under the conditions of the premature death of the childless monarch, plunged Hungary into decades of dynastic wars.
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