agricultural experimental work, agricultural scientists, agronomy, branch experimentation.Abstract
The purpose of publication is to analyze the formation of domestic agricultural experimentation at the end of the 19th century as a component of modern natural science and culture of the nation. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity, application of historical and comparative, historical and systemic, analytical and synthetic, terminological, statistical methods, as well as methods of personalization and source studies and archival analysis of documents. The Scientific Novelty. The evolution of the concept of “agricultural research” has been highlighted, the contribution of prominent and lesser-known agricultural scientists in the development of agricultural research in the Russian Empire and the USSR (in particular, in the Ukrainian and Polish lands) at the end of the 20th century has been outlined. The Conclusion. It has been proved that agricultural research could not fully develop before the events of 1917 due to the lack of a sufficient number of qualified personnel, a significant lag of the obtained research results of domestic scientists from the real success of colleagues from abroad, the level of agricultural production. At the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century there began to develop actively in matters of theory and methodology, another component of agricultural science as a separate branch of knowledge – agricultural economics. Agrarian research is treated as a deep and comprehensive study in specialized research institutions of agronomic, zoo-technical and other agricultural phenomena occurring in natural and specially created conditions, using appropriate methods and tools to develop rational ways and approaches to improve the cultural level of agriculture as well as the search of other means and ways to provide scientific and practical assistance to agricultural production in order to obtain as many as possible and the best quality of environmentally balanced agricultural products.
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