development, human physiology, plant and animal physiology, Cathedra of Physiology, Cathedra of Anatomy, scientific school, St. Volodymyr University.Abstract
The purpose of the research is to elucidate the main directions of development of physiology as a science and academic discipline, to summarize the priority achievements of prominent scientists-physiologists of St. Volodymyr University in the context of world physiological science development in the second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century. The research methodology is based on the integrated use of the principles of historicism, science character and objectivity, as well as general scientific, interdisciplinary and special historical methods. The scientific novelty is that for the first time on the basis of previously unknown archival documents, important facts on the biography and scientific activities of domestic physiologists of St. Volodymyr University have been analyzed. It has been proved that one of the important factors in the development of physiological science was its international nature, which contributed to the expansion of the interaction of domestic and foreign scientific experience on the performance of sectoral research work. The Conclusion. Successful cooperation of scientists of the Russian Empire with the English, the Holland, the Italian, the German, the Hungarian, the Franch and the Czech researchers ensured the implementation of research based on the systematic exchange of information about physiological processes in plants, animals and a human body that accelerated the receipt and increased effectiveness of the research results introduction in practice. Accumulated experience in research and training systems at St. Volodymyr University were important not only for the development of domestic and world achievements in physiology, but also in biochemistry, ecology, embryology, entomology, cell engineering and the others. This accumulated experience contributed to the efficiency growth of the domestic scientific research, which was not inferior to foreign study in its achievements. Owing to significant achievements, domestic scientists-physiologists increased their international prestige and confirmed that domestic physiological science took an honorable place abroad.
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