



The purpose of the research is to determine the importance and place in modern Polish academic reflection concerning the historical science role issue in the life of the society of a number of new research directions and ideas, the historical knowledge social significance of which is in focus. The methodology of research is based on the application of historiographical analysis and synthesis methods. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that, for the first time in historiography, the contribution of the newest directions of the Polish professional historiography (the so-called “unconventional histories”) to the enhancement of its social role has been considered, the specific ways in the aspect of giving historical knowledge a practical meaning have been pointed out, probable limitations of such knowledge have been discussed. The Conclusions. In modern Polish historical science, a whole spectrum of innovative approaches and directions was noted, one way or another oriented to the presentation of historical knowledge in the public space more broadly than it has been done before. These are “unconventional hisstories” that exist within the framework of “the new Humanities studies”, “the post-humanities studies”, “public history”. Each in its own way manages to strengthen the presence of historical knowledge in the public space. However, the question that is often asked by the representatives of the traditional part of the academic community of historians, including in Poland, remains open: concerning the ability of this type of “histories” adhere to the Truth about the past. As it seems, the supporters of the analyzed above “unconventional histories” do not attach as much importance to this issue as it is recognized in academic historiography. Hence, the cognitive function of historical knowledge (to acquire true knowledge about the past), from which the society can receive purely practical gains, is called into question.

Key words: “unconventional histories”, the social role of historical knowledge, modern Polish historiography, academic community of historians.  


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