
  • Halyna SICHKARENKO PhD hab. (History), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Documentation and Information Activity, State University of Telecommunications, Ukraine
  • Аlla ZLENKO PhD (History), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Documentation and Teaching Methods, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Ukraine



The purpose of the article is to summarize the experience of independent Ukraine in publishing collections of historical documents in the main areas and periods. The research methodology is based on comparison strategies, typology, principles of historicism. The logic of the presentation of the material is based on the problem-historical principle, which allows to reveal the main topics and directions of the published collections of documents on the history of Ukraine in a chronological order. The Scientific Novelty. The article covers archeographic publishing activity for 30 years of our state independence. Emphasis is focused on joint publications of archives with academic institutions and universities, regional centers, public organizations, foreign institutions and researchers. It has been shown that the volume of documentary materials published during the independence of Ukraine is quite large and has created thematic blocks with a very broad chronology in the information space of Ukraine. The authors single out two main periods: the 1990s and the 2000s, which differ in their thematic areas, accents and approaches to covering historical issues, involvement in publications of central, regional, foreign scientific and public centers, the use of modern information technology. The Conclusions. Historians and archivists generally cope with the task of showing an objective picture of historical events, but the issues of methodological plan, a qualified use of the latest information technologies, new types of sources remain topical. It is necessary to respond more quickly to the urgent information requests of the population, topics that are discussed actively, including in the world, and especially saturated with clichés, myths, and where there is an external informational influence on Ukraine. This response will increase the presence of the Ukrainian archeographic product in the national and global information space.

Key words: documentary editions, state archival institutions; collections of documents and materials.


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