
  • Tetiana ANISTRATENKO Post-graduate student of Modern and Contemporary History of Foreign Nations Department, Faculty of History, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine



The purpose of the study is to highlight the ideological justification of the Truman doctrine declared on March 12, 1947. The ideological prerequisites that changed the foreign policy of the USA after World War II have been elucidated. The issue of the theory and practice of American presidential rhetoric has been researched analytically. Elements of “crisis rhetoric” have been shown on the example of declaration of the Truman doctrine. The ideological contradictions of two superpowers: the USA and the USSR have been analyzed. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity, and scientificity, which made it possible to analyze and characterize the evolution of the post-war American foreign policy course. The historical and comparative, historical and systemic method, and historical analysis have been applied. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the continuation of broad discussions in scientific circles concerning the issue of forming the conceptual foundations of the US foreign policy concepts. For the first time in the Ukrainian historiography, the ideological component of the Truman declared doctrine has been analyzed and preliminary conclusions regarding the reasons for its occurrence have been improved. The Conclusions. It has been proven that the Truman doctrine was aimed at opposing the ideology of two incompatible world ways of life. The special role of ideology and propaganda in the formation of the state policy of the United States during the Cold War period has been emphasized. The ideological aspect of the doctrine determined the content of the renewed foreign policy rhetoric of the United States. It has been determined that the phenomenon of Americanism and the idea of exclusive ideology played a key role on the European continent in the struggle between two ways of life: democracy and totalitarianism. It has been proven that it was the Truman doctrine that laid the foundation and led to the greatest ideological success in the matter of national security and foreign policy strategy of the USA in the second half of the 20th century.

Key words: the Truman doctrine, the US foreign policy, the Cold War, ideology.


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