


The purpose of the article is to highlight the main aspects of charitable work of the Orthodox fraternities that operated on the territory of the Right-Bank of Ukraine during the XIXth century. The Methodology of the Research. The research objectives have been solved on the principles of scientificity, objectivity and historicism, as well as the use of general scientific methods (internal criticism of sources, analysis, synthesis, generalization). The scientific novelty of the article – the materials of previous researches on charity in Volyn province have been supplemented, and also on the basis of little-known archival sources the analysis of the charitable work of the Orthodox fraternities of Podilsk province has been carried out. The Conclusions. The government of the Russian Empire planned to carry out systematic work to strengthen the foundations of Orthodoxy among the population of the south-western region. Charitable direction of work was considered as one of the possible options for the implementation of such tasks. Taking care of the poor and low-income population of the region was carried out, in part, in order to influence the minds of the people and the formation of ideas of devotion to the orthodox faith. The implementation of such mission relied in part on the newly formed Orthodox fraternities. It has been determined that despite the complex social and religious changes during the period under analysis and the conditions of formation and activity of the Orthodox fraternities, their charity was important as a certain type of social work among the local population. The statutory documents governing the work of the Orthodox fraternities indicated a number of tasks aimed at conducting charitable work. It has been found out that the main directions of charitable work by the Orthodox fraternities were providing food for the homeless, providing temporary food for travellers, providing material assistance and supporting the population during epidemics and natural disasters, allocating one-time payments to low-income families, and caring for orphaned children. From the analysis of the reporting documentation of the fraternities, the idea follows that only some fraternities carried out effective activities in this direction.

Keys words: Orthodox fraternities, charity, hospital, shelter, Right-Bank Ukraine.


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