
  • Yurii NIKOLAIETS PhD hab. (History), Full Professor, Leading Researcher of Department of modern political culture and ideology Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies named after I. F. Kuras of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,, Ukraine
  • Larysa SYNIAVSKA PhD hab. (History), Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Ukraine history Cherkasy National University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Ukraine



The Purpose of the Study. Based on the fact that civic identity remains one of the crucial motivators of a person’s behaviour, its formation through educational institutions is an essential means of ensuring the state national security. Therefore, it seems complicated to determine the nature and factors of educational institutions’ influence on the formation of civic identity in modern Ukraine. The Research Methodology. The study combines the use of variable scientific abstraction with modelling and analysis of hierarchies. Besides, critical discourse analysis and content analysis methods have been used and the orientation-value method, political and legal analysis. The Scientific Novelty. The main work directions of educational institutions of modern Ukraine in the formation of civic identity and the nature of the organization of patriotic education have been determined. The paper contains an assessment of educational institutions effectiveness in this area based on the civilizational approach. The influence of globalization processes and the Russian Federation of aggressive plans for Ukraine on the formation of civic identity in Ukraine have been elucidated. The impact of state policy on educational institutions efficiency and readiness to adapt to the “knowledge economy” requirements have been determined. The main threats to national security in the formation of civic identity by educational institutions have been outlined. The Conclusions. The prolonged absence of statehood has significantly affected the formation of civic identity by educational institutions in Ukraine. Another problem was the lack of a strategy for constructing the information space in the context of its protection from information wars in other countries’ interests. The number of respondents who mostly consider themselves citizens of modern Ukraine is not growing fast enough. When this is not a priority for the state, it is not surprising that there is a reduction in training courses on the history of Ukraine. Refusal of humanitarian disciplines in technical educational institutions cannot promote full-fledged patriotic education of youth. However, the priority of civic identity over other identities proved to be extremely important under the conditions of war and a large-scale growth of external labour migration. Success in the civic identity formation by educational institutions, as evidenced by the active civic position of the population of modern Ukraine during the Orange Revolution, the Revolution of Dignity and the war in Donbas, should not be a thing of the past. Educational institutions’ potential in this area is vital for ensuring the state national security, preserving its integrity.

Key words: education, identity, citizen, civil society, state.


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