The purpose of the study is to highlight the attempts of the entire oil industry of interwar Poland to unite in order to overcome mutual competition and achieve greater economic success. The methodology of the study is based on the principles of historicism, logic, scientific objectivity in assessing the past, a critical attitude to existing sources, including laws, which regulated the oil industry of interwar Poland, minutes of meetings of oil companies and societies, articles in specialized journals, etc. General scientific (analysis, analogy, synthesis, generalization), special and historical methods (historical and genetic, historical and typological, historical and systemic, comparative and historical) were used. The scientific novelty consists in the issue of the oil industry organization in interwar Poland, which significantly influenced the development of this industry, has not been the subject of a separate study. This issue was analyzed only causally describing the situation in the oil industry of Galicia in general. The Conclusion. The issue of the oil industry organization was important for the development of this industry in interwar Poland. At that time, crude oil production decreased significantly. Although the majority of the oil industry continued to be owned by foreigners, however, the Germans and the Austrians were largely replaced by the French. The Polish citizens owned mainly small and medium enterprises, the Polish state owned the biggest oil refinery in Drohobych. The task of the oil industry and the government was to organize various groups of entrepreneurs in this industry. But it was impossible to unite the entire oil industry. This unification was hampered by disputes among individual foreign firms, among foreign and local entrepreneurs, and etc. Nowadays, attempts to achieve such unification of the entire oil industry can be a good example of what mistakes should not be made for a proper unification in order to develop the industry by the government and entrepreneurs.
Key words: Galicia, syndicate, cartel, “pure producers”, oil industry, interwar Poland.
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