Based on modern visual discourse, in the article there has been analyzed the visual construct as the main form of museum visualization, museum practice and visual technologies in the Ukrainian museology, and attention has been paid to the museum modelling peculiarities and vital tasks of the visual construction interpretation, sociocultural possibilities of visual construct and its influence on the visitor have been outlined. The researched visual construct is a separate museum object/museum complex (fragment of a museum exposition), modelled owing to museum practices in order to visualize particular meanings in the museum space. The purpose of the research is to highlight the specifics of visuality in museology, which is due to the development of modern interdisciplinary direction of visual studios (visual studio), in the context of which modelling museum space through a visual construct acquires new features and deepens its understanding significantly. The methodology of the research is based on the interdisciplinary, hermeneutic, culturological, semantic, semiotic, social and psychoanalytic scientific approaches, which allowed carrying out a comprehensive analysis of museum visuality, gave the opportunity to form a set of principles in order to study the visual construct as the basis of museum practices, to delve into the spiritual phenomena of a human being. Along with general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparative studies and explanation, the following methods have been used: methods of observation, modelling and interpretation, which contributed to the study of decoding the visual information and constructing new meanings, features of verbal reflection through the visual construct of spiritual models of mentality, consciousness and ideas. The scientific novelty: owing to the culturological concept of the synergy of visuality and museology the relevant meanings have been presented. For the first time, the segment of visual culture has been singled out – the museum visuality, its key element has been analyzed – the visual construct as a simulated system of visually reflected meanings for perception in the museum space. The Conclusions. Theoretical principles and interdisciplinary nature of visual studies expanded the scientific and practical possibilities of museology significantly. Visual technologies, applied in museum practices stimulated a new look at the visual construct, which was transformed into a prominent segment of visual culture with its own specifics of figurative representation, interpretation of symbols and emotional and mental reception of a human being.
Key words: visual culture, museum visuality, visual construct, visual technologies, museum practices, interpretation.
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