The purpose of the research is to determine the characteristics of the methodology of modern historical science, the history of state and law, to increase the level of methodological effectiveness of scientific studies, in particular, on the history of state and law. The basis of the research methodology is the idea of historical science as a system of knowledge about the laws of a human development in the past, and the historical methodology – as a system of cognitive approaches, principles, methods aimed at identifying historical patterns. At the same time, legal science is understood as a system of knowledge about legal laws, methods and means of constructing legal reality organized by means of cognitive methodology, and its method – as a way (system of techniques) of knowledge with the help of which, the legal laws are revealed. Owing to methodological basis that allowed characterizing the historical and legal method, defining it, establishing the basic techniques that are part of it. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time in Ukraine through the prism of modern understanding of historical science and legal science, scientific methodology the composition of historical and legal method has been singled out, its definition has been formulated, problems of modern historical and legal methodology have been revealed and possible ways of their solution have been offered. The Conclusions. The analysis of scientific works on historical issues allows us to state that in historical science there has been formed an understanding of its essence and content, determined the methodology of historical research. But there are no clear ideas about the science of history of state and law, its methodology, historical and legal method of knowledge. The nature of this science, which has a cross-sectoral nature, its methodology, as well as its relationship with historical science has not been determined. This can lead to a number of problems, such as: identification of methods: historical and historical and legal; substitution of concepts; creation of “methodological catalogs” in legal studies, which do not allow to obtain objective knowledge about state and legal phenomena. And it, in turn, can generate a simplified understanding of historical and legal laws, their substitution, the fragmentary nature of their justification, the subjective interpretation of historical sources. The article focuses on the recognition of the leading role of the historical and legal method in retrospective studies of state and legal phenomena. The historical legal method is considered as a system of methods of cognition of state and legal phenomena of the past, identification of patterns of their functioning and development under specific conditions of the reconstructed period. First of all, the following methods should be included: collection and analysis of data on state and legal phenomena, in particular, criticism of sources (including analysis of documents, interpretation of their content, description); generalization; universal hypothesis; inductive, evolutionary; teleological; methods of reconstruction. Such kind of step will help to avoid the identification between the methods that are the part of the historical legal method and its varieties (historical legal, comparative, typological, etc.), substitution of the historical legal method by other general or special legal methods, as well as “terminological revision” of the conceptual apparatus (means of cognition). Owing to the point of view, which makes it possible to form a clearer idea of the suitability and limits of application of the conceptual historical and legal apparatus to the specific conditions of the reconstructed period, enrich the science of state history and law with effective methodological achievements.
Key words: historical science, methodology of historical science, science of history of state and law, history of state and law of Ukraine, historical and legal method.
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