The discoveries of musical nature occupy a prominent place among the numerous nomenclature of medieval artifacts of the Galicia-Volhynia state period discovered during archeological excavations of its chronicle centers (Halych, Volodymyr, Zvenyhorod, Peresopnytsia, Dorohobuzh, etc.). The study purpose – to study archaeological artifacts found in the historical lands of the Galicia-Volhyniastate, identified by archaeologists and instrumentalists as musical instruments, as well as to introduce into scientific circulation those artifacts that received incorrect nominations in archaeological works or appear in archeological publications as items of “unspecified origin”. The methodology is the first ever attempt to combine archaeological and musicological, in particular organological methods of the medieval musical instruments study (according to the international Hornbostel-Sachs classification). The proposed methodology can be applied to the study of medieval musical instruments of the Slavic world. The scientific novelty. The paper initiates a joint archaeological and musicological study of medieval musical instruments found in the historical lands of the Galicia-Volhynia state. The considered archeological musical instruments of different types showed their existence in the Galicia-Volhynia state developed in a common stream with the all-Slavic musical and instrumental culture of the European Middle Ages. In the future, the authors plan to work on developing a Catalog of medieval musical instruments of Kievan Rus and Galicia-Volhynia state, which will be equally significant for both archaeologists and representatives of historical organology (archeomusicology). The Conclusions. Paper research results are of methodological significance and will serves as the basis for correct identification by Ukrainian archaeologists of musical artifacts from the musical and instrumental culture of medieval Ukraine.
Key words: musical archeology (archeomusicology), strings, percussion, wind musical instruments, Galicia-Volhynia state, Slavic world of medieval Europe.
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