The purpose of the research is to clarify the economic and ideological and political foundations of the transformation of the concept of “totalitarianism” at the present stage. The methodological basis of the research is premised on the principles of systematics, objectivity, comprehensiveness and historicism. The investigation was carried out by applying the methods of induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, as well as comparative, problem-historical and retrospective methods. The novelty of the study is based on the approaches common in the English-language segment of the scientific literature on globalization. A comprehensive comparison of this concept with the concept of the nation-state was made, and the potential for the development of new forms of total control of political actors over society was considered. The Conclusions. The study makes it quite obvious that globalization is a process of formation, development and transformation of a system of unilateral advantages in the context of permanent capitalist competition and selective modernization. At present, these benefits are increasingly concentrated in the financial and information sector. The development of electronic means of control and communication, on the one hand, repeatedly strengthens the official ability of the world’s leading nations to monitor the natural and mechanical movement of the population. On the other hand, it contributes to the limitation of the state powers by this function and accelerates the international money circulation outside the governmental competences, which especially weakens the position of political regimes in developing countries. In parallel with the degradation of national sovereignty, supranational corporate and sub-national ethnic clusters are rising. At the same time, together with the real power, the potential ability to create radical totalitarian forms flows here from the national level. In other words, the traditional notion of individual totalitarian and institutional democratic governance is contrasted with the concept of sub regional, national and supranational control.
Key words: totalitarianism, globalization, nation-state, “failed state”, sovereignty, transnational corporations, competition, migration, technological progress.
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