The aim of the research is to elucidate the significance of stabilization of the military and political situation in Ukraine in the interstate relocation of servicemen during the period of 1991 – 1994 within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) from the standpoint of Ukrainocentrism; to study the relocation of officers and ensigns who expressed their desire to continue military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine; to analyze the detachment conditions of servicemen from Ukraine to other state formations. The research methodology is based on a number of interdisciplinary methods of cognition (history, national and international law, political science), due to which the author made a retrospective reconstruction of the Ukrainian officer corps formation at the beginning of the 90s of the twentieth century. The scientific novelty is to highlight the conditions of interstate relocation (secondment) of servicemen within the CIS (1991 – 1994) and to clarify the place of this phenomenon in the formation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Conclusions. The relocation of servicemen of the former Soviet Army within the post-Soviet states was carried out on the basis of democratic principles and made it possible to use the CIS status to solve an important social and military problems in Ukraine, to avoid the Russian attempts to use the CIS as a military instrument against the post-Soviet states. It allowed the Ukrainian authorities to stabilize the military and political situation and prevent a split in the officer corps, to involve officers who returned to Ukraine into the development of its Armed Forces according to the national interests, to complete recruitment of command staff, rear and technical services at middle and senior levels during the creation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Key words: Ukraine, Commonwealth of Independent States, servicemen, officers, ensigns, military formations, post-Soviet states, political and legal principles, oath.
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