The purpose of the research is to highlight the geographical location, political and socio economic history of Pitrytsky Sviatouspensky Monastery in the Middle Ages and modern times on the basis of the archival and published materials and scientific works. Interesting little-known archival documents on the research problem can be found in five domestic and foreign archival, library and museum institutions. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism, systematization, scientificity, objectivity, use of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special historical (historical genetic, historical typological, historical systemic) methods. The scientific novelty is due to the introduction into scientific circulation of little-known archival and published sources, which allows revealing the poorly understood pages of the political and socio economic history of Pitrytsky Sviaytouspensky Monastery.
The Conclusions. Pitrytsky Sviatouspensky Monastery was a well-to-do monastery of Galicia, which was under the direct authority of the Bishop of Halych, the monastery enjoyed respect and authority among other monasteries of the region. The monastery served as the spiritual court of the Galician diocese for a long time. Throughout its history, the monastery was closely associated with Krylosky Cathedral of Sviatouspensky Monastery. Under appropriate historical circumstances, Pitrytsky Sviaytouspensky Monastery served as a Cathedral Monastery. Prominent church figures held monastic spiritual asceticism in Pitrytsky Cathedral. A great deal of efforts were made in order to liquidate hundreds of monasteries as part of church-monastery reform when the Austrian rule came to power in the 80-90s of the XVIIIth century. In connection with Krylosky Svyatouspenskyi Monastery and Sviatoillinsky Monasteries closure in 1783, Pitrych was annexed to the monastery in Zavalov, which in 1799 was also liquidated. Under these circumstances, Pitrytsky Sviaytouspensky Monastery, one of the outstanding spiritual monuments of Galicia, completed its 700-year history.
Key words: monastery, monk, metropolitan, bishop, church, privilege, nobility, monastic possession, inventory, diploma.
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