The purpose of the article – to elucidate the role of Tomaš Garrigue Masaryk, the President of Czechoslovakia, in the establishment of the Ukrainian Academy of Economics in Poděbrady. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism, science, objectivity, general scientific (historical and logical) and special historical methods (retrospective, narrative and chronological). The research is done on the basis of archival and published sources, factual material of historical works, which revealed the role of the top leadership of Czechoslovakia in the development of the Ukrainian Academy of Economics. The scientific novelty of the study consists in setting the research topic and integrated use of different types of sources and special research works to solve it. This integrated use of different types of sources allowed the authors to objectively analyze the formation of the Ukrainian Academy of Economics in the context of the Czechoslovakia leadership policy towards emigrants. The Conclusions. The establishment of the Ukrainian Academy of Economics in Poděbrady took place during the elaboration of President T. G. Masaryk’s policy concept to support emigrants from the Romanov monarchy. The ideological basis of this action was the concept of the Slavic reciprocity, in which the President of the Czechoslovak Republic assigned his country the role of an organizer of higher education for the Ukrainian youth for their further re-emigration to their homeland. Despite a certain idealism of this plan, the political goal of which was not realized, because not all high school graduates could return home, and especially at that time to become a factor in the rapprochement of the Czechoslovak Republic and the Soviet state. However, the training of specialists was effective at the Ukrainian Academy of Economics. Its scientific and pedagogical staff and students made a significant contribution to the preservation and development of the Ukrainian intellectual potential, as well as the countries of their stay.
Key words: Ukrainian Academy of Economics, Ukrainian emigration, T. G. Masaryk, the Czechoslovak Republic, Poděbrady.
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