The research objective is to identify and carry out the scientific tracing of the political component in the resumption of labour disputes against the general historical background of the trade union activities during the period of 1953 – 1964 (known as the Thaw) to define the causes and motives for the authorities’ interests about labour disputes to grow. The research methodology is based on general historical principles; it is supplemented and concretized by the elements of the theory of social and labour relations which in the most generalized form cover the relationship between three subjects of relations: workforce, an owner of production means and the state. The scientific novelty comprises the process of resumption of labour disputes which is analysed for the first time in the Ukrainian historiography in the context of forms and methods characteristic of political history based on the use of labour legislation of that period as a historical source in combination with traditional historical sources. There has been determined the nature and causes of collective and individual labour disputes latency in accordance with the political tasks of the Thaw. The Conclusions. The postwar resumption of the labour disputes institution which, in fact, began only in the mid-1950s, was influenced by two opposing tendencies: the need to change subject-object relations and the need to remain intact the dominant form of ownership and its political attributes. As a result of these mutually exclusive directions, collective disputes turned out to be outside the law and became the part of big politics. The trade unions that took care of these processes changed their function from social protection of workers to protection of political interests of the state.
Key words: industrial conflict, the Thaw, political history, totalitarianism, labour disputes, functions of trade unions.
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