The purpose of the study. To analyze comprehensively the parliamentary activities of the Ukrainian Socialist Association “Selianskyi Soyuz” (“The Peasants’ Union”) in 1924 – 1925, to identify the key areas of activity, relations with other Ukrainian parties that were the part of the Ukrainian Parliamentary Representation during this period. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, the use of general scientific (generalization, typology) and special scientific research methods, in particular comparative and historical, historical and systemic, critical analysis of sources. The Scientific Novelty of the Research. On the basis of a comprehensive study of the newspaper “Nashe Zhyttia” (“Our Life”), all aspects of the political activity of the association “Selsoyuz” have been traced fully. These aspects include the activities of the “Selsoyuz” group as the part of the Ukrainian Parliamentary Representation, interaction during parliamentary sessions with other parties, organization of congresses at local places, reporting to voters (the so-called “reporting chambers”) in Kholmshchyna (Chełm land), Pidliashia (in Polish – Podlasie), Volhynia and Polissia.
Based on the studied materials of the press and historiography, the authors came to the conclusions. During the period of 1924 – 1925 “Selianskyi Soyuz”, despite criticism and ideological differences within the Ukrainian Club, supported a number of constructive appeals and amendments to bills initiated by the UNDO activists. During this short period of time, the Ukrainian parties consolidated against the introduction of the utraquist school system, and for the implementation of a number of comments on draft laws on parcelling, land reform, which aimed at providing the Ukrainian landless peasants with allotments free of charge, or for a reasonable payment. Comprehensively, these measures were aimed at solving urgent problems of the Ukrainian community, as well as to resist the polonization of the territories mentioned above.
Key words: Ukrainian Socialist Association “Selianskyi Soyuz”, Ukrainian Parliamentary Representation, UNDO, Pavlo Vasynchuk, Serhiy Kozytsky, Maksym Chuchmai.
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