The purpose of the research is a comparative juxtaposition of facts, assessments derived from the Ukrainian and Russian periodicals, materials of online publications concerning the causes of the Russian-Moldovan conflict in 1992. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity, scientificity, verification, authorial objectivity, as well as on the historical method and methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization. The historical method was used to study the events that took place in Moldova in 1992. Owing to the method of analysis and synthesis, the causes of the conflict itself and the proof by scientific means were identified. The method of generalization formed a general vision of the problem, the results of the study became the basis for the conclusions. The scientific novelty is that for the first time a comprehensive analysis of information and scientific research in Ukrainian and Russian historiography concerning the topic of the Russian-Moldovan conflict of 1992 was carried out, and the main reasons were also clarified and enumerated, which contributed to the development and actions of the above-mentioned conflict. The Conclusions. The main causes of the Russian-Moldovan conflict, which in fact became the first hybrid confrontation between the countries neighboring Ukraine, in the Ukrainian and Russian historiographical discourse can be considered a number of factors, including the collapse of the USSR and the liquidation of the Warsaw Pact, which opened diverse new explosive situations in the territories of the former republics, including Moldova; crisis of the world political system; linguistic and geopolitical factor; economic factor. In general, the Russian-Moldovan conflict at the current stage of development of international relations is considered to be “frozen” and incomplete due to the unwillingness of the current authorities in Moldova to resolve the situation radically and the intervention and incitement of the conflict by the representatives of other states that are interested in its existence.
Key words: Ukraine, Moldova, historiography, causes of the conflict, post-Soviet space, Transnistria.
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