The aim of the article is to analyze the reasons for the failure of the Russian imperial project “Novorossiya” and give a theoretical justification for the process of integration of the South Ukrainian region as the part of Great Ukraine. The Methodology – general scientific, general historical, interdisciplinary methods and theoretical developments of particular scientists. Thescientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time in modern Ukrainian historiography, an attempt has been made to generalize theoretically the complex of combined socio-economic, political, and ethnocultural processes that led, on the one hand, to the failure of the imperial project “Novorossiya”, and on the other – to the transformation of the southern Ukrainian lands into an integral part of Modern Ukraine. The Conclusions. Although Imperial Russia used huge human, non-human and intellectual resources to implement the Novorossiya project, it still failed. The main obstacle was the modernization processes that from the last quarter of the XVIIIth – beginning of the XIXth century covered Europe and spread to Ukraine, including the part of it that was called as Novorossiya. Modernization activated a whole range of factors in this territory that leveled the consequences of the policy of Imperial integration of Novorossiya, which led to its failure. One of these factors was mainly the Ukrainian ethnic composition of the region's population, which was formed as a result of migration processes. Another powerful factor was the economy. In the XIXth–at thebeginning of theXXth centuries the South became the center of economic attraction of Naddnipriansk Ukraine and its commodity market, contributing to the consolidation of its individual regions into a single nationalterritorial complex. Therefore, it activated social and ethno-cultural processes, and ultimately intensified the process of forming a modern Ukrainian nation throughout Ukraine.
Keywords: Novorossiya project; southern Ukraine; migration, regional integration; modern Ukrainian nation.
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