The aim of the study. is to highlight the daily life of the intelligentsia of the western region of Ukraine (material and household aspect) during the first postwar years, to elucidate the socio-political factors that determined it. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity, scientificity, verification, authorial objectivity, moderate narrative constructivism, as well as the use of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization), special and historical (historical genetic, historical typological, historical systemic) methods. The scientific novelty is to elucidate on the basis of various source material the daily post-war survival strategies of the intelligentsia, when the Soviet system was restored / established in the region, to find out what material resources were enough for and how social activity and political convictions were reflected in the domestic mode of life. The Conclusions. The post-war life of the intelligentsia was associated with basic survival, the search for opportunities to ensure their existence. Remuneration, income for work in many cases did not meet the responsibilities of the intelligentsia, did not provide normal living and working conditions. In the best position were those who with all their activities proved their devotion to the party guidelines, held high positions, received significant fees and awards for “ideologically correct” works and publications. The best part of the nationally conscious intelligentsia, who was considered by the authorities as a potential or obvious enemy, was subjected to repressive measures, deprived of livelihoods, opportunities to realize their abilities and creative potential. But the progressive development of the intelligentsia and its desire to benefit under the difficult and contradictory conditions of their daily lives, the Soviet system could not overcome.
Key words: the Soviet system, intelligentsia, financial situation, wages, everyday life.
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