The purpose of the article is a historiographical analysis of researches by domestic scholars on the activities of local authorities bodies of the Civil Administration of the Reich Commissariat “Ukraine” (hereinafter – the RCU) in the vertical of the Nazi occupation regime, clarifying the main directions of these studies, determining insufficiently studied issues and outlining promising areas for further research on this topic. The research methodology is based on the scientific principles of historicism, objectivity, continuity, scientificity and systematics. To study the historiographical context of the problem, the authors used the methods of historical comparative studies, source studies, structural and functional, retrospective analysis. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the systematic analysis of the main achievements and problematic issues of domestic historiography in the field of reconstruction of one of the little-known, in general, insufficiently studied and controversial pages of the past of Ukraine during the Nazi occupation of 1941 – 1944. The Conclusions. The issue of functioning peculiarities of local authorities bodies subordinated to the German civil administration of the RCU is analyzed quite actively in modern Ukrainian historiography. As a result of these researches the basic directions of activity and powers of regional, city and rural administrations in social and economic, cultural and educational, municipal and household spheres are found out. Objectively contributing to the implementation of the occupation policy tasks, these local authorities worked in parallel to meet the needs of local socium under the extreme conditions of the war. The regional aspects of local authorities functioning of the RCU seem to be studied sufficiently. The authors elucidated the organizational structure, official powers, clarified the relationship with the structures of the German military and civilian occupation authorities. Despite these positive tendencies, in the scientific narrative there is some confusion in the conceptual apparatus, especially in the segment of identifying these bodies as “self-governing”, “Ukrainian” or “public”. Some researchers exaggerate the participation of the OUN and nationally oriented Ukrainian intelligentsia in the creation and activity of local authorities bodies, in particular during the period when the occupied Ukrainian lands were under control of the German temporary military administration.
Key words: occupation regime, local authorities body, the Reich Commissariat “Ukraine”, self-government, temporary military administration.
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