The purpose of the study – generalization of world experience in the invention of incendiary weapons during World War I, the analysis of tactics for its employment in defensive and offensive operations. The methodology was based on the general scientific principles of historicism, objectivity, systemics, determinism and the dialectical unity of the historical and the logical methods. They are implemented through the application of general scientific methods of a scientific research: generalization, analysis and synthesis, logical, chronological, periodization, as well as specific methods of historical research, in particular: historical and genetic, historical and comparative ones. The combination of these methods of a scientific research in a comprehensive analysis of sources and literature has triggered achievement of the designated objective. The Scientific Novelty. On account of a significant source base and modern methodological approaches, the world experience due to the invention of the incendiary weapons during World War I has been generalized and systematized. The tendencies which emerged in the course of evolution of diverse incendiary weapons, in particular land, aviation and sea types have been revealed. The data related to the place of the incendiary weapons among other types of weapons, their tactical and technical specifications and methods of employment in defensive and offensive operations, including Ukraine, have been clarified and supplemented. The Conclusions. During World War I, under the influence of science and the conditions of war, new promising incendiaries (jet flamethrowers based on land and sea, incendiary air bombs, shells, hand grenades, subversive incendiary devices, etc.), as well as incendiary substances and mixtures were rapidly to be created. Under modern conditions their unique combat properties have not lost their significance. Under conditions of a maneuverable and “trench warfare” flamethrowers, as auxiliary weapons of close combat, proved efficiency against tanks and various defensive structures, which the infantry could not destroy or suppress with artillery, machine gun or rifle fire. They turned out to be efficient under specific circumstances, in particular during the offensive or defensive combat in the urban area, especially in producing powerful fires and smoke screens. In addition to the destruction and fires caused, the incendiary weapons crucially impacted on the morale of troops and civilians, causing panic and fear.The experience gained by mankind in development of the incendiary weapons and their use during World War I has not only scientific but also practical significance from the perspective of enhancing the combat capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Its consideration will contribute to the further development of incendiary means, as well as tactics for employment in diverse combat environment.
Key words: World War I, incendiary weapons, flamethrower, incendiary substance, flame tank, incendiary bombs, incendiary means for subversive activities
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