The purpose of the research is to carry out a comprehensive study of the biography of Zenoviy Flinta on the basis of archival materials from the State Archives of Lviv region, the Archives of the Lviv National Academy of Arts, the Archives of I. Trush Lviv State College of Decorative and Applied Arts and the Archives of the Z. Flinta’s Family in the context of the 1960-ies – 1980-ies, which in furher perspective will allow to form Z. Flinta’s life and work holistic picture on the background of the era and rethink his activities’ importance in the context of the 60-ies-80-ies of the XXth century. The Research Methodology. The study applied the principles of science, historicism, objectivity, systematicity, as well as general scientific methods (induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis) and special historical methods (historical systemic, methods of historiographical, source, critical analysis). The Scientific Novelty. For the first time the generalized scientific research has been conducted on Zenoviy Flinta’s (1935 – 1988) biography, based on archival materials in scientific publications has been covered, as before there were only certain aspects, which have been and such a comprehensive study acquires important scientific and theoretical significance. The Conclusions. For the first time we managed to cover multifarious information in our study on the basis of archival materials not recorded in scientific publications,in particular, Z. Flinta’s childhood and adolescence and the influence of family on the artist’s worldview formation (1935 – 1953); his studies at I. Trush Lviv State School of Applied Arts (1953 – 1959) and at the same time studying at K. Zvirynskyi’s “Pidpilna Schkola” (“The Underground School”) of (1953 – 1965); Z. Flinta’s acquaintance with his future wife and Zenoviy’s marriage with Anna Pazdriy (1959); Z. Flint’s studies at the Department of Art Ceramics of Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (1959 – 1965); Z. Flint’s pedagogical activity as a teacher of the basics of composition at the Department of Art Ceramics of the LSIADA (1965 – 1976); the importance of his scientific and methodological development of the “basics of composition”, introduced by him in teaching in 1966 for the development of quality art education in LSIADA (now LNAA); Z. Flinta’s public and exhibition work as the Chairman of the section of Decorative and Applied Art of Lviv regional organization of the Union of Artists of the USSR (1972 – 1988).
Key words: Zenoviy Flinta, biography, era of the 1960 – 1980s
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