The purpose of the study is to try to determine the nature and specifics, forms and subjects of the educational process militarization in annexed peninsula attracting materials from open sources (information resources of the Russian Federation authorities, occupation authorities of the Crimea, materials of the Regional Human Rights Center, the Crimean Human Rights Group, Helsinki Human Rights Union, ZMINA Human Rights Center, NGO Almenda Civic Education Center, online publications, etc.). Research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematic, scientific, authorial objectivity, the use of general scientific (dialectical, method of analogies, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative), interdisciplinary (methods of philosophy, political science, social psychology, synergetic, statistical analysis, contextual analysis), historical (retrospective, problem-chronological, discourse analysis, methods of “detection”) methods of research. The scientific novelty is that the essence, peculiarities, forms and subjects of the educational process militarization in the annexed Crimea by the Russian Federation during 2014 – 2019 have been found out on the basis of attracting open source materials. The Conclusions. It is noted that the transformation of the Crimeans social life over the last five years is primarily related to the militarization of the educational process, sports and culture. The occupying power organizes various activities among children and young people for this purpose: games, competitions, excursions, competitions on military subjects, organizes paramilitary children's camps, cultural mass events, lectures, conferences, theatrical performances, creates special militarized educational classes, lessons and meetings of military and patriotic, spiritual and patriotic education, etc. The most ambitious of such militant activities are the various military sports and military patriotic games. It is stated that the substantive policy of the educational process militarization in the annexed Crimea is aimed at: first, the active propaganda of the service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including the contract; secondly, to educate a large army of potential carriers and defenders of the “Russian world”; third, to cultivate violence and war.
Keywords: militarization of the educational process, occupied Crimea, paramilitary units, military and patriotic education, military training, military propaganda.
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